Our Fellows at Work
Based on their expertise, MEPLI Fellows offer research and practice-based resources to support educators in the region to enhance their teaching practice.
Articles By Our Fellows
The Experience of the Culture and Free Thought Association in Gaza By: Manar Alzraiy December 2024 As the war on Gaza continues, educational institutions remain at the heart of the humanitarian crisis. Schools have been transformed into emergency shelters, and the roles of teachers and educational staff have shifted dramatically. Teachers have found themselves transitioning…
A Guide to Empathy and Support By: Musa Abu Hadeed, Nisreen Kassem & Nayla Abi Antoun December 4, 2024 In the face of the ongoing war and the pervasive violence surrounding us, it is natural for everyone, including children, to experience a range of emotions. Feelings of sadness, fear, and confusion can be overwhelming, leaving…
تأليف: لارا الخطيب نشر في: تشرين الثاني 14، 2024 ترجمة: وفاء السكران الأطفال رائعون. بالرغم من أنهم جدا سريعوا التكيف، إلا أنهم يبقون جدا سريعي التأثر أثناء أوقات الحرب. تجلب الحرب معها الخوف، والغضب، والشكوك. ويظهر تأثيرها في طرق كثيرة – من معاناة سماع أصوات القنابل المرعبة وصرخات ألم الجرحى أو ألمحزونين، إلى التشريد من…
بقلم: Musa Abu Hadeed, Nisreen Kassem & Nayla Abi Antoun 24 تشرين الثاني 2024 تُعتبر فترات الحروب والكوارث بمثابة كابوس يهدد استقرار الأسر وخاصة الأطفال. فالأوضاع الصعبة والقلق المستمر يؤثران بشكل كبير على نموهم الطبيعي وتحصيلهم الدراسي. ومع ذلك، يظل التعليم بمثابة ملاذ آمن يمكن أن يخفف من حدة الصدمات النفسية التي يعانون منها. تحت…
Opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors alone and may not represent MEPLI or the Harvard Graduate school of Education.
MEPLI Fellows have created sets of simple intervention cards designed to support children’s learning and well-being both inside and outside of the classroom. Click the button below to explore these useful resources.
“MEPLI taught me to provide my students with the freedom to speak up – to not just be receivers of knowledge- so we can learn together.”
Dalya Saleh
MEPLI Fellow 2021

Usable Knowledge Translations
Usable Knowledge is a digital publication based at the Harvard Graduate School of Education that connects research to practice by publishing content that responds to educators’ pressing challenges.
The MEPLI program works with our Fellows and other regional educational experts to translate Usable Knowledge into Arabic in order to be accessible to educators and community members across the Arabic speaking world.
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