Saeb Ali Khasawneh

Cohort: 2019
Country: Jordan
LinkedIn Profile:
Twitter Profile: @Saebkhasawneh

Current role and workplace: Senior Teacher Educator, QRTA, Amman, Jordan

Bio: Saeb is a senior educator in the mathematics department of the Teacher Education Professional Diploma program at Queen Rania Teacher Academy. Saeb has 20+ years’ experience in education, working as a mathematics teacher, coordinator and vice-principal in national and international schools and a mathematics training specialist at QRTA. He has a master’s degree in education, specializing in evaluation and measurement. Currently, he is a PhD student in special education at the World Islamic Science and Education University. Saeb is interested in teaching methods of mathematics for K-12 levels and in the education of gifted students and students with special needs.

Areas of expertise: Train the Trainer, School Inspector, Inclusion