Cohort: 2022
Country: Palestine
LinkedIn Profile: linkedin.com/in/ghadeer-hamed
Twitter Profile: @ghadeer192006
Current role and workplace: Doctoral Researcher in Educational Sciences, University of Eastern Finland
Bio: Ghadeer is working as a researcher at the University of Eastern Finland. In the past, she worked as a senior instructional designer of eLearning in higher education. Ghadeer is experienced with all stages in designing online courses, digital contents, mLearning, and virtual reality. She has been a trainer of eLearning and instructional design for instructors and students, as well as a team leader for eLearning development projects. As a researcher, her research focuses on educational technology to explore how to utilize new technologies to enhance teaching and learning. She is currently working to develop her experience on VR and gamification.
Areas of expertise: Educational Technology, Educational Leadership, Educational Research